About us
1/3 of the people in the US have no life insurance. People that do have insurance are most commonly covered by something that only pays out after they die. We offer a revolutionary type of life insurance called living benefit life insurance that offers access to your death benefit without having to die. It allows you to access some of the death benefit for someone with a critical, chronic or terminall illness, such as heart attack, stroke, organ failure or kidney disease. It allow those with a chronic illness to continue to access funds continuously for a period of time. Out of the 800+ insurance carriers in America, we work exclusively with top rated carriers that offer the living benefit products such as CVS, Mutual of Omaha, and Transamerica We even have proprietary products with GPM. Only a small handful of companies offer these products, and we partner with most of them. This puts us in a uniquely competitive position and affords our agents the ability to take care of each and every client with best options and close deals with ease. Best of all, these products are offered at the same rate or less than regular life insurance!