Sales Representative Avg Comm $550/sale, Avg rep makes 3 sales a week PT!

Rome , GA , United States

18 Feb 2025

Average $550/sale  and Average Rep does 3/wk Part-Time!

According to a January 2, 2023 Forbes Advisor article, 64% of Americans aged 58 and older surveyed lack life insurance...

Mostly because they see no value. They are paying for something that only benefits someone else after they die. We offer a new type of life insurance called living benefit life insurance that offers access to your death benefit without having to die.This living benefit insurance is not a secret and mostly sells itself. It allows access to tax free lump sum dollars from the death benefit for someone who has a critical illness like a heart attack, cancer or a stroke.

if you are ready to start or need more information forward your resume and we will schedule an interview...

Entry Level

Part Time

Rome GA United States

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