Flutter Developer

Jabalpur , Madhya Pradesh , India

12 Feb 2021

Job Responsibilities-

  • 2-4 years working as a full-time professional developer (Mobile) and 1-2 Year in a flutter.
  • Experience building a moderately complex Android app with knowledge of dart. Bonus if it's on the Play Store or we can view the project.
  • Willing to work with cross-platform frameworks.
  • Willing to learn and work on different mobile platforms/frameworks when needed.
  • Published at least one app on the Play Store using Flutter/ Native (Java/Kotlin/Swift/Object)
  • Networking and integrating third-party APIs.
  • Working with a version control system (i.e., Git)

Job Skills:

  • Experience building and deploying a moderately complex Flutter/Android/IOS app
  • Translating UI/UX designs into code
  • Advanced debugging/testing/optimization
  • Animations
  • General knowledge of Location Services, Maps, and other common Android/IOS libraries

Mid-Senior Level

Full Time

Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh India

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