Earn $50/hour as English Lecturer in Redmond, WA

Redmond , Washington , United States

14 Jul 2021

We are looking for ENGLISH speakers based in the United States to participate in our Project SUNFLOWER, our new Data Collection paid study.
The candidates will record themselves simulating a college lecture. The topics will be general and you will be able to choose the ones you are more comfortable with.
The aim of this project is to improve AI technologies and the world of live subtitles.
Main requirements:
  • You are based in the United States and you have access to a laptop and some basic recording equipment.
  • You are a native speaker of English or are very fluent.
  • You agree to have your image and voice recorded.
  • You are confident speaking in public and do not mind following a script for the purposes of this project.
We will pay per recorded hour, with a maximum of three hours. The rate is $50 per hour.
Upon registration, you will need to complete a simple survey to ensure you qualify. The purpose of this survey is ensuring that we cover all demographics, such as age and gender.
The project has already started and will be active for the next few weeks.
For the online version, you will have to use your own recording equipment.
Early Bird Bonus: Double payment for the first 100 participants
Please ensure you have all the necessary tools before applying.


Part Time

Redmond Washington United States

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