Commercial Wall Covering

Arvada , CO , United States

22 Feb 2023

ICI, LLC is looking for those experienced in Commercial Wall Coverings.  We have jobs across the Denver Metro area. Pay is based on experience and knowledge of this specifc application. ICI is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

ICI is a growing Commercial Drywall, Framing, Paint, & Roofing company that serves Colorado's Front Range.  We have many exciting projects.

Interior Contractors Inc, LLC aims to deliver quality preconstruction, management, and field services in every aspect of design and construction.  We treat each project as a stepping stone to the next by creating strong relationships with our clients based on teamwork, trust, pride, safety, and the ability to overcome challenges.  By putting our employees in positions so that they can succeed, we provide a superior service that allows for growth within.


Full Time

Arvada CO United States

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