Specialist Doctor


05 Dec 2019

HEKA Recruitment has non-training jobs for Resident and Specialist Doctors in elite British hospitals.
The contracts are signed for 6 - 12 months, the gross salary can reach up to 65,000 sterling pounds per year, and the work schedule is one that will allow Doctors to keep their jobs in their home country, should they want to.
Recent hospital experience of at least 2 - 3 years in:
  • Anesthesia & Intensive Care
  • Emergency Medicine
  • General / Internal Medicine
  • Oncology
  • Psychiatry
  • Surgery
  • Trauma & Orthopaedics
is one that will help you get these jobs.
Our British clients can help you get the license to practice from the General Medical Council without you having to take the IELTS Academic / OET exam! However, your English level must be very good and will be tested both by telephone and at the interviews and courses organized in England.
The accommodation is, most of the times, insured or settled by our British clients.
Unlike many jobs in the British medical system, the ones we propose have the advantage of facilitating a relatively easy transition to the new work environment. Since most of the doctors our clients employ have not worked in the UK before, they have excellent systems in place to help doctors adapt and thrive in Great Britain. All new doctors benefit from a settling in period at their new hospital. This allows you to spend up to a week getting to know the role, the hospital and the staff without the pressure of actually being on duty. 
Also, if you have colleagues that you think might be interested, do not hesitate to putem them in touch with us.

Entry Level



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