PR, Marketer and Content Strategist


28 Dec 2019

This is the content we have with lots of pictures and videos

Today we are being buried deep to our necks with waste, ecosystems are collapsing and our own very existence is under threat, I stand with the firm belief that although we stand on the brink of no return, we can do something about the situation and clean up our planet. Not only can we can do it, we are doing it, we are doing it sustainably, we are doing it really fast and we are having a blast of a time doing it!

My name is Alan Bywaters. For the last nine years I have been on a mission to regenerate our planet. In this time, I have been knee-deep in other people’s waste analysing what they are throwing away and how they have been and to this day still are throwing, dumping and burning it. I have interviewed thousands of people in Asia as to why they like plastic so much and helped a major supermarket engage customers to stop using plastic bags, I have worked with the Government to run incentivised programs for locals to pick up the most awful waste. I have civilly lobbied for the accessibility of unleaded fuel in Indonesia and together with local influencers managed to stop an incineration plant in the centre of a major city. I have piloted a plastic waste clean-up program which will go viral, I launched a plastics collection and segregation program in the Himalayas which has gone viral within the country and spread to outlying areas of India too, I brought together all the technologies needed to sustainable clean and convert, all forms of waste, water and air in to money. And undeterred by the anxiety that we are at the point of no return and that there is still so much to do, I know that with the right people onboard that it can be done and I am doing everything in my power to regenerate the planer.

Introducing The Programs which will rapidly Save Our Planet on the point of no return. The Magic of Trash2Cash (, The Green Stars Magic Truck, The Philosopher’s Stone, The EcoChampion Challenge and The Green Stars

-          Trash2Cash - The program sweeping the planet stopping the pollution and alleviating poverty

-          The Green Stars Truck – the technology turning trash2cash

-          The Philosopher’s Stone - Know-how of the technology to tap a multi-trillion dollar economy to alleviate poverty and regenerate the planet. subscribe for how-to blog and vlog to convert all forms of trash2cash

-          The EcoChampion Challenge – Be The Hero The Planet and Life on it Needs You

-          The Green Stars - Meet the stars behind the programs which are changing the face of the planet

-          The Journey right now live

“There I stood up to my neck in waste.

“When we see trash for the resource it actually is a new world of possibility opens right in front of our eyes…

“This technology converts plastic in to earthquake-resistant bricks….

“This Magic truck a will push back the point of no return….

“This upcycling centre will turn trash in to gold and provide jobs for mothers all across the world….

“The planet and all life on it need you. Take the EcoChampion Challenge and Be The Hero….

“Meet David. He is changing the future of energy….

“It’s Christmas Day. As I sit beside the beach in my hotel room on Bali my legs are beginning to burn from the heat of my laptop processor…..


These are the types of stories I have and I believe make for excellent blog or vlog to inspire and motivate people to take action with a clear tried, tested and proven know how to clean up the land, water and air from all sorts of waste.

I need an expert listener who can draw out the stories

I need an expert who can go through the content and devise a brilliant marketing strategy to spread these stories and this knowledge around the world so we can stop anymore pollution to the planet right away.

I need an expert public relations manager and team to get online and offline media coverage


Do you want to make the world a better place?

Do any of these skills sound like you?

Do you want to join a community of incredible people and bring the different communities working to make the world a better place together?

If so, then please submit your application for this role

Mid-Senior Level



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