Export Sales Manager


05 Jun 2019

Job Responsibilities

Export Sales Manager.




Export sales managers sell products or services to overseas customers. They

research potential markets, conduct personal selling visits, organise sales

promotions, appoint agents and distributors and negotiate sales contracts.

Some might also arrange the transport of goods and the collection of

payments. Hours are often long and unsocial.


Also known as Sales Manager - Exports


Work Activities


As an Export Sales Manager, you will be responsible for managing the sale of products or services to customers in other countries.

You'll need to develop knowledge of the cultural, business and political background of the countries you are

responsible for, together with an understanding of consumer tastes. Then you can combine this with the results of

your market research to decide what will sell in these countries and how to sell it. You must also look for new

opportunities to sell to different international markets.

It is important that, as an Export Sales Manager, you build up and maintain good relationships with customers,

agents and distributors. To do this, you'll negotiate with them (often in a foreign language) to try to make a sale.

Depending on the level of your responsibility, you will often travel internationally, and could sometimes spend weeks

away from home.

You might have to decide whether the product can be modified to meet the customer's requirements or whether

special discounts can be offered. This is usually done after consultation with Product Managers and suppliers.

You'll also have to consider, and comply with, legal and ethical restrictions on international trading - you'll need to do

your homework first!

As an Export Sales Manager, you will also need to provide quotations (estimates of price); for larger orders, and you

might need to complete a tender document (a competitive bid for the supply of goods or services) - and agree a final

contract if the bid is successful. Your role will be very varied!

You must carefully monitor the processing of orders and check that the distribution is running smoothly and that

everything is on schedule. When the product has finally been delivered, you might have to deal with any complaints

or queries that occur.

Other duties involve producing marketing plans, budgets and sales reports for discussion by company management.

You'll also organise sales briefings and conferences, and visit international trade fairs.

Export Sales Managers are usually responsible for a department of other export sales and support staff.

Being able to read, write and speak Welsh may be an advantage when you’re looking for work in Wales.

Skills Required

Personal Qualities and Skills


As an Export Sales Manager, you will need:

Good interpersonal skills.

Negotiating skills.

Knowledge of international contract terms, foreign currencies, tariffs and trading regulations.

Verbal communication skills.

Foreign language skills.

The ability to work to deadlines.

Knowledge of economics, business and accounting.

The ability to use IT.

Delegating and leadership skills.

To be well organised.

Stamina to cope with international travel.

Number skills (for managing budgets and analysing sales figures, for example).

Written communication skills.

In some companies, you might need technical skills and experience in the specific products being sold in addition to

sales skills.


Full Time


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